Rights-Managed Media Submission FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions
NAEYC’s Rights-Managed Media Library
What is rights-managed media?
For our purposes, Rights-Managed media (also called “licensed media”) are images or video that NAEYC doesn’t own, but has the photographer’s or videographer’s permission to use in print and digital materials, on our website, and more.
How will I be paid?
You will only be compensated if NAEYC chooses, in its sole discretion, to use your photo or video. You can find the rate schedule on our website.
You will receive email notification that your image has been used, and the rate of compensation. NAEYC will send you a check shortly there after to the address included on the Media Release form.
Please note: the Rate Schedule is subject to change at any time without warning at NAEYC’s sole discretion.
What types of images or videos are NAEYC looking for?
NAEYC publishes imagery that enhance or convey content for early childhood educators and families. We are looking for photos and video with the following elements.
- Children birth through age 8 engaged in a variety of learning experiences
- Teachers engaged with children
- Children working or playing together (photographed at the children's height, from the front)
- Children working or playing on their own (photographed at the children's height, from the front)
- Adults interacting with each other (e.g. teachers talking to each other, a teacher talking to a parent)
We are also looking for:
- Diversity (in terms of staff, children, settings)
- Action (children doing something, not posed)
- Examples of developmentally appropriate practices
How to remove images from NAEYC’s rights-managed media library?
If you would no longer like to have your photo or video in NAEYC’s Rights-Managed media library, you can ask for it to be removed at any time. Please note, this will prevent NAEYC from using your image in future materials, but it will still be used in any existing materials.
How much does NAEYC pay me to use my photos and video?
You will only be compensated if NAEYC chooses, in its sole discretion, to use your photo or video. You can find the rate schedule on our website.
Please note: the Rate Schedule is subject to change at any time without warning at NAEYC’s sole discretion.
Why does NAEYC pay for Rights-Managed media, but not photos or video submitted with articles or manuscripts?
Images or video submitted with articles, blog posts, manuscripts and other content is considered part of the content submission, and therefore not Rights-Managed content.
If NAEYC uses my photo or video more than once, will I get paid each time?
NAEYC pays per unique use of a piece of media. For example:
- NAEYC uses a Rights-Managed photo in a YC article. The article appears in print and on the website. The photographer would receive compensation once, for the original article.
- NAEYC uses Rights-Managed video in a membership video hosted on Youtube. The video is also featured on the NAEYC homepage and member areas. The videographer would receive compensation once, for the original video clip.
- NAEYC uses a Rights-Managed image on a book cover, the book cover is featured on the website, in the online store, in emails to members, and in the NAEYC Resource Catalog. The photographer would be compensated once, for the original cover image.
What does "subsequent translations" mean in the payment schedule?
We translate some of our content into other languages, including Mandarin and Spanish. If your photo or video is included in a translated piece, you will recieve an additional payment, as outlined in the payment schedule.
Who can submit Rights-Managed Media?
You must be the photographer or videographer of the photos or video. You may not submit photos that you have sold the rights to. By submitting images to NAEYC you are guaranteeing that you have the rights to use the image and share those rights with NAEYC, and that all the people in your photos and video have signed a model release.
How will I know my photo or video has been used?
You will receive an email to the email address included on the release form.
Can I submit media taken by other people?
No, you must be the photographer or videographer to submit photos to NAEYC’s Rights-Managed media library.
What if I don’t have model releases for some of the people or children in my photos or video?
We can’t accept photos without signed releases from every person that appears in your photos. There is no exception.
Can I use my own Model release?
If you’d like to use your own model release, please submit a copy prior to uploading images for approval.
Do I have to send a copy of the Media Release Form each time I submit photos?
Yes. You must include both the Media Release Form and signed Model releases each time you submit photos to NAEYC.
Technical Support
What equipment do I need?
NAEYC accepts photos or video taken with 5 megapixel digital cameras, iPhones, or other camera phones set to the highest quality/largest size image possible. Please see our technical guidelines page for more information.
I’m having trouble uploading files to the Sharefile site.
Please let us know if you have trouble uploading your zip file to the site. Send an email to [email protected] for assistance.
Can I mail a disk of images instead?
Yes, please include signed copies of the Media Release form and Model releases. Please note that disks or drives mailed to NAEYC will not be returned.
Send your disks or thumb drive to:
NAEYC RM Media Submission
Attn: Creative Services Manager
1401 H Street NW, Suite 600
Washington DC 20005
Learn More About Submitting Media to NAEYC
Rights-Managed Media Technical Specifications
Rights-Managed Media Payment Schedule
Rights-Managed Media Submission
Ready to submit your photos and videos to NAEYC?
1. Gather photos and video that you'd like to submit to NAEYC into one folder. Name the folder with your name and date. Example "JaneDoe101517".
2. Add copies of signed model releases for everyone in your photos and a copy of the signed Media Release Form to your folder.
3. Compress your folder, creating a zip file.
4. Upload the zip file to our site.