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NAEYC Survey Shows Child Care in ‘Unsustainable Status Quo’

A new survey by NAEYC illustrates how insufficient public investment in our early childhood education system burdens educators and threatens to further reduce an already insufficient supply of quality child care and early learning programs.
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a teacher talking to students

Erin Ellis

Erin has been in the field of Early Care & Education since 2001 and her areas of passion in the field are teaching, family and community engagement, supporting multilingual learners, and advocacy.
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a teacher talking to students

John Cregg

John Cregg is the Executive Director for the Nevada Association for the Education of Young Children (NevAEYC).
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a teacher talking to students

Nancy Yee

Dr. Diaz is the Senior Partnership Manager at the UF Lastinger Center for Learning.
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a portrait of tonia durden,a naeyc governing board president
Young Children
September 2, 2024

From Our President. Essential Questions and Answers: Leaning into Our Journey Together

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.

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Tonia Durden
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Nancy Yee and her students
Teaching Young Children
July 1, 2024

Feature Teacher: Nancy Yee

Nancy Yee, a K1 teacher in Boston, Massachusetts, shares how NAEYC shapes her teaching and advocacy work.
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