All Dual Language Learners Content

Diverse group of children in a classroom.
Mother and daughter in a classroom smiling

¡Celebre el multilingüismo de su hijo!

Como padre o madre de un niño o niña que está aprendiendo dos o más idiomas, usted puede sustentar la habilidad y el interés de usar todos los idiomas que escuche su hijo al entusiasmarse y divertirse con el multilingüismo. 
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Mother and daughter in a classroom smiling

Celebrate Your Child’s Multilingualism!

As a parent of a child learning two or more languages, you can help sustain your child’s ability and interest in using all the languages they hear by being enthusiastic and playful about multilingualism. Here are some suggestions.
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Group of young professionals

Recommendations for Public Policymakers

Work to change any policy that either directly or through unintended negative consequences undermines children’s physical and emotional well-being or weakens the bonds between children and their families.
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