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TYC magazines
Child writing on poster
Teaching Young Children
June 1, 2009

Real-Life Reasons to Write

Here are some ways to give the children in our classroom real-life opportunities to write.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Louis Mark Romei
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Girl holding hands with parents outside
Teaching Young Children
June 1, 2009

Teacher Resources on Death

NAEYC compiled a list of teacher resources that deal with children and death for the June/July 2009 issue of Teaching Young Children.
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Male educator smiling at preschool student

About TYC

Teaching Young Children (TYC), NAEYC’s award-winning magazine for preschool educators
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Five preschool children smiling at camera

Writing for Teaching Young Children

Thank you for your interest in writing for Teaching Young Children (TYC), NAEYC’s magazine for preschool teachers. Please review our writing guidelines and decision & publication process.
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TYC June/July 2009 Issue Cover
Teaching Young Children
Vol. 2, No. 5
June 1, 2009

June/July 2009

Documentation, Learning Outdoors, Sharing Time
TYC June/July 2009 Issue
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TYC covers

Teaching Young Children

Teaching Young Children is NAEYC's magazine for anyone who works with preschoolers
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