All Literacy Content

Father shows child the letter v.
Children interact with read-aloud.
Young Children
March 1, 2015

The Reading Chair: March 2015

New children’s books too good to miss and one forever favorite.

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Authored by: 
Isabel Baker, Miriam Baker Schiffer
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Children reading a book with teacher
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2015

Message in a Backpack™ Everyone Can Be a Storyteller

In our classroom the children tell stories and act them out. Storytelling helps preschoolers learn new words and get ready to become readers and writers. To further this learning at home, invite your child to tell stories to you and other family members.
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Teacher listening to a child's story
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2015

Listening to Children's Stories

Develop a curriculum that supports children’s literature and oral language for preschoolers.

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Authored by: 
​Leanne Grace
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Mother reading with toddler girls
Teaching Young Children
June 1, 2014

Now Read This! Discovering Nonfiction

Preschoolers enjoy asking questions, especially “Why?” These interesting and fun books are a great way to answer children’s questions and bring up new ones.
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Children planting
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2014

Message in a Backpack™ Talk It Up!

Why is a large vocabulary important for children? Because it’s linked to their reading and school success. Try these vocabulary-building ideas at home.
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Family reading with toddler
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2013

پیام در کوله پشتی ™ هر چیز و همه چیز را با کودک خود بخوانید Message in a Backpack™ Read Anything and Everything with Your Child

شما  هم می توانید هر چیز و همه چیز را با کودک خود بخوانید. این کار به کودک شما کمک می کند که  یاد بگیرد چرا و چگونه نوشتن و مطالعه  مهم و مفید هستند. چند ایده در اینجا می آید
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Teacher helping child read a book
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2013

Using Multiple Texts to Guide Children's Learning

A child asks,“What do I do with this yogurt cup?” For nearly 14 weeks, this question inspires and guides activities in a project-based classroom.

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Authored by: 
Meagan K. Shedd
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Child writing on poster
Teaching Young Children
June 1, 2009

Real-Life Reasons to Write

Here are some ways to give the children in our classroom real-life opportunities to write.

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Authored by: 
Louis Mark Romei
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