All Literacy Content

Father shows child the letter v.
Young girl reading next to a teddy bear

Read a Little Poem

Encourage the poet within your child with these poetry books and ideas.
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Lady in library

5 New Resources at the Library

In addition to great books both new and classic, here are 5 new resources you might find at your local library.
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Classroom of young children

Start a Home Library

Use these ideas for finding inexpensive books to start your child’s home library.
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Preschooler and father writing at desk

Support Writing at Home

Chances are, your child will experiment with writing long before he or she learns to read. Here are some ways to help your child learn about and practice writing.
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Mother and son reading cards and counting blocks

Math and Literacy—The Perfect Pair

Looking for engaging ways to weave math into the day? You might find just what you’re looking for in your home or local library.
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Teacher with student to encourage learning

10 Prop Box Ideas: Mini Learning Centers at Home

Bring the spirit of learning centers into your home with prop boxes—plastic bins or cardboard shoe boxes you fill with materials and props related to one topic, such as math or writing.
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Two young educators smiling

Book Requests

Learn more about the process for requesting permission or copies of NAEYC content.
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Teacher smiling with 3 young children playing blocks
May 3, 2015

Spread the Love (of Books)!

No one can predict what habits and interests will stick with a child. But if you never offer up the opportunities, the odds will always remain at zero.

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Authored by: 
Mabel Yu
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Group of five diverse children smiling
Teaching Young Children
October 1, 2017

Now Read This! Books that Bring Math to Life

You can transform story time into an engaging experience that develops children’s mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills!

Authored by

Authored by: 
Mary Hynes-Berry
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