All Developmentally Appropriate Practice Content

child sitting at the table with two women
Teaching Young Children
August 1, 2020

10x: Increasing Family Involvement in School

Here are some ideas for welcoming families and fostering a strong partnership with them.

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Authored by: 
Cheryl A. Paul
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A professional speaking with other people around the room.


The endnotes are available as a PDF for readers to print and use as they read the statement.
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A group of young children listening to an adult talking.

Appendix C: Acknowledgements

NAEYC appreciates the work of the Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Diversity and Equity Workgroup and the Early Learning Systems Committee, who participated in the development of this statement. See a full list here.
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Two children reading with each other.

Appendix B: Glossary

Learn about the terms used in the Developmentally Appropriate Practice position statement.
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A diverse group of young children with backpacks.

Appendix A: History and Context

NAEYC has regularly updated and reaffirmed its position statement on developmentally appropriate practice, and the term continues to be widely used within and beyond the early childhood field.
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A teacher with kindergartners leading play time
Young Children
May 1, 2020

“How Can I Help You?”: Reconsidering Behavior Management

Given that many teachers feel they are not well prepared to manage behaviors in a classroom (Pavri 2004), we have intentionally pursued this topic in our professional endeavors as teacher educators, observing hundreds of preservice and in-service teachers

Authored by

Authored by: 
Adam L. Holland, Kathryn A. Ohle
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A classroom of children playing with wooden blocks
Young Children
May 1, 2020

STREAM Education at Work—No, at Play! A Toy-Making Unit

Early achievement in math and science predicts later school success as well or better than early literacy skills do.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Douglas H. Clements, Julie Sarama, Kimberly Brenneman, Nell K. Duke, Mary Louise Hemmeter
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teacher reading a book to a group of children
Young Children
May 1, 2020

Story Time STEM: Nurturing Children's Joy and Wonder through Shared Reading Experiences

In this article, we share ideas for how to integrate math, science, and literacy during shared reading. These ideas are inspired by our research project Story Time STEM, a collaborative effort by a team of preschool and elementary grade teachers, children

Authored by

Authored by: 
Allison Hintz, Antony T. Smith, Kristin Gray, Erin Gannon, Ashley Wishart
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young girl putting together a 3D block puzzles using blocks
Young Children
May 1, 2020

Learning Engineering through Block Play: STEM in Preschool

In recent years, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have been increasingly emphasized for elementary-age children, and this trend should extend into preschool too. Blocks—a fundamental material found in almost all early childhood se

Authored by

Authored by: 
Zachary S. Gold, James Elicker, Barbara A. Beaulieu
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Teacher showing young children iPad
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2020

DAP with Apps and Other Tech Tools: Making Choices That Make Sense for Preschool

While digital technology should be limited, research suggests that it can add value to children’s investigations and learning, especially when it’s used in ways that increase access to high-quality content and encourage peer interaction.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Jennifer Garrette Lisy, Kathleen A. Paciga, Mary Quest
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Preschool child playing at table
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2020

Engage Children’s Communities with Friends and Family Day!

Consider celebrating a Friends and Family Day to help all children––and all families––feel like valued members of your learning community.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Will Parnell, Ellie Justice, Laure Pearson Patrick
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Young child in a tutu
Young Children
November 1, 2019

Practical Guidance for Teachers: Supporting the Families of Gender Nonconforming Children

Recognizing the complexity of interactions between educators and families, this article provides a set of strategies for opening up conversations and offering support when children’s gender identity or expression do not conform to their families’ expectat

Authored by

Authored by: 
Katie Schaffer
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