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(E-Book) المرح الجاد: كيف يزيد اللعب الموجه فرص التعلم لدى الأطفال

الفضول الفطري والتخيل الديناميكي لدى الأطفال يقودهم إلى فرص تعلم مثيرة ومفيدة. اكتشف كيفية تقديم تجارب اللعب الموجه إلى جانب اللعب التلقائي لدعم معرفة الأطفال في المجالات الرئيسية واكتساب متعة لا تنجلي لعملية التعلم. هذا الكتاب ممتاز وذو مزايا عضوية قياسي
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Two teachers and a group of early primary students
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Understanding Vivian Paley as a Teacher Researcher

The more important truth is that it does not matter what we label Vivian Paley in the end if our goal is authenticity. It only matters that we disseminate her work to the next generation of early childhood teachers, so that they, too, may tame the classro

Authored by

Authored by: 
Patricia (“Patsy”) M. Cooper
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Young adult male painting with a preschool boy
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Becoming Victor Paley

Indeed, part of Vivian’s genius, something that made her a great teacher researcher, was her commitment to try to understand, empathize, and be kind.  

Authored by

Authored by: 
Ben Mardell
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Group of children hugging each other
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Learning from One Another

Vivian Paley’s contribution to the field of early childhood education and teacher education is certainly her approach to creating the space and opportunities for children to share their stories through storytelling and story acting, but it is much more.

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Authored by: 
Mary Jane Moran
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Toddler playing at a table
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Searching for the Meaning of Play

Vivian’s desire to create space for stories, her ability to listen fully and her longing to elevate, illuminate and understand children’s play all continue to push me to be a better teacher. 

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Authored by: 
Todd Erickson
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Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Needing to Know

Whenever I teach theories of child development, I always include Vivian Paley among the inductive theorists that early childhood teachers need to know.

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Authored by: 
Andrew J. Stremmel
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three preschoolers in a classroom sitting on a chair reading a book
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Learning to Listen: A Tribute to Vivian Paley

We want to honor Vivian’s memory and her contributions to the field with the inclusion of a few essays in our annual Voices compendium.

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Authored by: 
Ben Mardell
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Toddlers playing in a classroom on the floor, sitting with three teachers
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Parallel Voices Commentary—Reframing Teachers’ Understandings of Conflicted Play

Christopher’s work can help us replace a deficit view of difficulty with a more trusting approach to children as they work through the challenges that serve their current developmental and relationship growth (Madrid, Fernie, & Kantor 2015).

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Authored by: 
Robyn Brookshire
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Two young boys hugging in a classroom
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Promoting Equity through Teacher Research

This commentary by Megina Baker makes clear that teacher research has a new generation of scholars who are passionate about the methodology and ready to lead us into the future.

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Authored by: 
Megina Baker
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Teacher in a classroom with 3 young children
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Introduction: Getting Things Right for Teachers

This issue of Voices of Practitioners demonstrates how teacher research can be a central and continuing part of all educators' daily practice.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Barbara Henderson, Isauro M. Escamilla, Andrew Stremmel
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