Forest schools are based on the belief that children benefit from being in nature, where they play and engage in open-ended, child-centered social and physical activity.
Sesame Workshop and the International Rescue Committee have designed a program called "Ahlan Simsim" to reach millions of families who have been affected by conflict and displacement.
Authored by
Authored by:
Shanna Kohn, Kim Foulds, Katie Maeve Murphy, Charlotte F. Cole
الفضول الفطري والتخيل الديناميكي لدى الأطفال يقودهم إلى فرص تعلم مثيرة ومفيدة. اكتشف كيفية تقديم تجارب اللعب الموجه إلى جانب اللعب التلقائي لدعم معرفة الأطفال في المجالات الرئيسية واكتساب متعة لا تنجلي لعملية التعلم. هذا الكتاب ممتاز وذو مزايا عضوية قياسي
The e-book version of the publication, Where’s the Math? Books, Games, and Routines to Spark Children’s Thinking. *All sales are final. Returns will not be honored
The more important truth is that it does not matter what we label Vivian Paley in the end if our goal is authenticity. It only matters that we disseminate her work to the next generation of early childhood teachers, so that they, too, may tame the classro
Vivian Paley’s contribution to the field of early childhood education and teacher education is certainly her approach to creating the space and opportunities for children to share their stories through storytelling and story acting, but it is much more.
Vivian’s desire to create space for stories, her ability to listen fully and her longing to elevate, illuminate and understand children’s play all continue to push me to be a better teacher.
Whenever I teach theories of child development, I always include Vivian Paley among the inductive theorists that early childhood teachers need to know.
Christopher’s work can help us replace a deficit view of difficulty with a more trusting approach to children as they work through the challenges that serve their current developmental and relationship growth (Madrid, Fernie, & Kantor 2015).
In their teacher research project, Diane, Keri, and Kelly collected evidence, analyzed video-recordings and transcripts, discovered their truths, and transformed their teaching.
Openness to learning navigates us to undertake more research which, especially when we apply teacher research, reveals even more how much more we have to learn.
This commentary by Megina Baker makes clear that teacher research has a new generation of scholars who are passionate about the methodology and ready to lead us into the future.