All Kindergarten Content

Young girl smiling
Three girls playing in leaves
February 6, 2019

Nature-Based Mindfulness for More Calm & Peaceful Kids

As children explore and observe nature, they become more aware of, and empathetic to, the plants and animals who share the natural world. Try these nature-based mindful activities indoors or outdoors with your tots!

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Authored by: 
Monica Wiedel-Lubinski
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Group of children with a recycling bin

Trabajos grandes en el hogar

e trata de trabajos que su hijo hace con usted (o con otros familiares) y que sirven de ayuda para toda la familia.
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Photo shoes a mother with her daughter on her shoulders and a father with his son on his back.  All face the camera smiling.
January 13, 2020

Building a System to Support Family Engagement

Successful family engagement approaches make this work part of a coordinated school- or program-wide system. In our new book, Families and Educators Together, we include numerous, real-life examples and policies that serve as a user-friendly guide...

Authored by

Authored by: 
Karen Nemeth, Derry Koralek, Kelly Ramsey
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Mother and son outside talking on a picnic table.

Guiding Children by Using Questions

Asking a child about his behavior can stop the behavior as it is happening and get him to think about it. The best questions are ones that require more than a yes-or-no answer. Here are some examples.
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Teacher and students with hands up
December 23, 2018

A Death in the Family: Helping Young Children Understand

Supporting children and their families as they cope with the death of someone close to them is never easy. If you ever need to support a child at such a time, I encourage you to refer to this list of resources.

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Authored by: 
Michael Coventry
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Cover of Spotlight on Young Children: Equity and Diversity
January 1, 2019

Spotlight on Young Children: Equity and Diversity

Informed and influenced by NAEYC’s forthcoming position statement on equity and diversity, this collection of articles contextualizes how educators of children from birth through third grade can advance equity and embrace diversity.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Cristina Gillanders, Rossella Procopio
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Serious Fun cover
January 1, 2019

Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning

Guided play is a powerful tool educators can use to help preschoolers and kindergartners learn essential knowledge and skills in the context of playful situations.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Marie L. Masterson, Holly Bohart
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