Place-based education uses local cultures, heritage, landscapes, opportunities, and experiences to create a curriculum in which literacy, mathematics, social studies, science, and arts learning occur in the context of place.
It’s not uncommon to have children in your program who spend time with parents in two different homes. Individualizing communication is an effective way to recognize and welcome diverse family structures.
During a family conference, it’s important to provide a detailed—but not overwhelming—picture of a child’s progress. The following example (shared and discussed at a family conference) shows the strengths, progress, and goals of a young student.
Whether you’re a seasoned teacher or this will be your first year, these reminders will help you plan the many steps of family conferences—from preconference scheduling to follow-up.
Through music and language, movement, and the visual arts, rap and other elements of hip-hop culture can support preschoolers’ learning and development in all domains.
Challenging behaviors often happen when children feel they don’t have another way to express their feelings or another way to get what they need. Here's how to stay calm, patient, and consistent as you help your child understand your expectations.
Using guidance instead of discipline means helping young children understand they can learn from their mistakes, and it starts with showing them how to do so.
This month's feature program is Culver Family Learning Center, one of 12 NAEYC-accredited early learning sites owned and operated by the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp. (EVSC) in Indiana.
Empowering Educators & Programs: A Blueprint for Excellence
Teaching Young Children is NAEYC's magazine for anyone who works with preschoolers. Colorful, informative, and easy-to-read, TYC is packed full of teaching ideas, strategies, and tips.
Five democratic life skills provide a model for the holistic education and development of children, guiding them along a continuum from showing resilience in the face of trauma to demonstrating intelligent decision-making as members of society.
NAEYC asked a few 2021 ECE graduates about their experiences working to obtain their degree and what the future holds for them in the profession. Read what they have to say.
Preschool Without Walls is designed to offer a welcoming environment to families who might be uncomfortable with education and child care programs outside of the home.
Rich and sustained conversations in the classroom provide opportunities to learn about and practice using new vocabulary, to grapple with new ideas, and to contribute to longer-term knowledge and skills.
This article will provide research-driven, practical advice for how early childhood educators can partner with community-based organizations to utilize an integrated and developmentally appropriate approach to teaching and learning.
Classrooms that incorporate child-directed experiences offer many opportunities for children to uncover their ideas, to generate questions, and to construct their own knowledge.
For the Summer 2021 issue of Young Children, we had a chance to reconnect with previously profiled members and to get an update on where they are in their journeys.
Líderes distinguidos además de los emergentes han ayudado a crear e implementar una misión y valores que representa e informan este campo. Más recientemente, NAEYC ha intensificado su compromiso con avanzar la equidad.