Developmentally Appropriate Practice: What Do Professional Development Providers Need to Know? (On-Demand)

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Listen as early childhood education experts Sue Bredekamp, Ph.D, Marie Masterson, Ph.D. and Iheoma Iruka, Ph.D. reflect on NAEYC’s newly revised Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) position statement. Get insights on the core considerations, principles of child development, and guidelines for DAP in action.
Then, hear from Sue Bredekamp and Megan Madison in conversation as they discuss the implications of the revised DAP Position Statement for those who provide professional development to early childhood educators.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the key revisions to the DAP Position Statement
- Hear recommendations for PD Providers from thought leaders in the field
Developmentally Appropriate Practice: What Do Professional Development Providers Need to Know? is the second in a series of new presentations from NAEYC. Upcoming presentations will focus on additional audiences including:
- Program Leaders
- Higher Education faculty