All Message in a Backpack Content

A young girl with a backpack walks through a door with her parent.  Both are seen from behind.
Child using sculpting techniques
Teaching Young Children
October 1, 2016

Message in a Backpack™ Making at Home

Here are some ideas for making at home to encourage children to experiment, explore, and create!
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Playing with geometric shaped blocks
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2016

Message in a Backpack™ Focus and Self-Control

Self-control and focus are both important skills for children to practice in order to succeed in school. Here are some that you and your child can do together at home.
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Children reading a book with a teacher
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2015

پیام در کوله پشتی ™ همه می توانند داستان گو باشند Message in a Backpack™ Everyone Can Be a Storyteller

در کلاس ما، بچه ها داستان می گویند و آنها را به طور عملی انجام می دهند. داستان گویی به کودکان پیش دبستانی کمک می کند تا کلمات جدید را یاد بگیرند و برای خواندن و نوشتن آماده شوند
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Children reading a book with teacher
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2015

Message in a Backpack™ Everyone Can Be a Storyteller

In our classroom the children tell stories and act them out. Storytelling helps preschoolers learn new words and get ready to become readers and writers. To further this learning at home, invite your child to tell stories to you and other family members.
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Father and son
Teaching Young Children
December 1, 2014

Message in a Backpack™ Explore Your Community

Children learn from exploring the world around them. Try these suggestions to turn small errands into learning opportunities.
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Kitchen utensils
Teaching Young Children
June 1, 2014

Message in a Backpack™ Make Mealtimes Learning Times

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
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Las formas de todos los días
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2014

Mensaje en la mochila™ Las formas de todos los días

Veamos algunas formas en que pueden ayudar a sus hijos preescolares a centrar su atención en las características que hacen que las formas sean parecidas o diferentes.
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Children planting
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2014

Message in a Backpack™ Talk It Up!

Why is a large vocabulary important for children? Because it’s linked to their reading and school success. Try these vocabulary-building ideas at home.
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