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Young Children journals
NAEYC CEO Rhian Evans Allvin
Young Children
March 1, 2021

Formar Conexiones. Abrir Camino Para la Compensación y las Prestaciones

Hay que centrar las prioridades en abordar la equidad por medio de igualar la compensación, los seguros médicos, y la jubilación para educadores de la niñez temprana entre los estados y los tipos de programas.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Rhian Evans Allvin
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NAEYC CEO Rhian Evans Allvin
Young Children
March 1, 2021

Making Connections. Unlocking Compensation and Benefits

As implementation of the Unifying Framework moves forward, priorities must be centered on addressing equity through scaling compensation, health insurance, and retirement benefits for early childhood educators across states and settings.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Rhian Evans Allvin
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NAEYC president, Ann McClain Terrell
Young Children
March 1, 2021

From Our President. Helping Children Hear Their Song

How can we better implement practices that build relationships and create environments that support positive social and emotional growth?

Authored by

Authored by: 
Ann McClain Terrell
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a parent holding a child with a teacher showing them something
Young Children
March 1, 2021

When in Doubt, Reach Out: Teaming Strategies for Inclusive Early Childhood Settings

In this article, we will weave strategies for fostering collaboration in inclusive early childhood settings by focusing on a child with delays in the social-emotional and communication domains.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Christine M. Spence, Deserai Miller, Catherine Corr, Rosa Milagros Santos, Brandie Bentley
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a parent holding two children
Young Children
March 1, 2021

Rocking and Rolling. Caring for the Mental Health of Infants and Toddlers

In order to be part of an effective safety net for young children’s emotional well-being, we need to understand their unique vulnerability to trauma and extended stress during the first few years of life.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Kathy L. Reschke
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a person closing their eyes at a sunrise beach
Young Children
March 1, 2021

Cultivating Self-Awareness in Our Work with Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families

While all aspects of self-care are important for early childhood educators’ well-being, in this article, we focus on how we, as educators of infants and toddlers, can cultivate self-awareness.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Holly Hatton-Bowers, Elita Amini Virmani, Laura Nathans, Bridget A. Walsh, Martha J. Buell, Patricia Lanzon, Sandra I. Plata-Potter, Laura Anne Roe
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a parent clapping with a happy child
Young Children
March 1, 2021

Becoming a Better Behavior Detective: Applying a Developmental and Contextual Lens on Behavior to Promote Social and Emotional Development

Sharpening our “behavior detective” skills requires us to use reflective practices to apply our knowledge of development in service of understanding the individual infant or toddler.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Claire D. Vallotton, Jennifer A. Mortensen, Melissa M. Burnham, Kalli B. Decker, Marjorie Beeghly
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two babies looking at a book
Young Children
March 1, 2021

What Babies Ask of Us: Contexts to Support Learning about Self and Other

Vivian Gussin Paley, author of thirteen insightful books that illuminate children’s social and emotional competence, captured the essence of what young children ask of us with respect to social and emotional support.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Mary Jane Maguire-Fong
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a preschool class arts and crafts project of many colors
Young Children
March 1, 2021

Social & Emotional Development: For Our Youngest Learners & Beyond

This issue of Young Children offers research-supported responses to these questions with a cluster of articles devoted to intentional practices that promote social and emotional development.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Annie Moses, Stefanie Powers, Kathy L. Reschke
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the cover of the publication young children, Volume 76, Number 1
Young Children
Vol. 76, No. 1
March 1, 2021

Spring 2021

Social & Emotional Development: For Our Youngest Learners & Beyond
The Spring 2021 issue of Young Children includes a cluster of articles devoted to intentional practices that promote social and emotional development.
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A toddler stacks colorful plastic rings
Young Children
November 1, 2015

Rocking and Rolling: Why Teaching Infants and Toddlers is Important لماذا تدريس الرضع والفطم مهم؟

فيتعلم الأطفال الصغار من بيئتهم والأشخاص الذين فيها. لذلك فإن ه من الضروري أن تتأكد المعلمات أن المعارف والمهارات التي يدرسونها مناسبة نمائيًا لعمر الأطفال ومجموعاتهم.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Allyson Dean, Linda Groves Gillespie
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Two young children explore and play with musical instruments
Young Children
July 1, 2015

Rocking and Rolling—It Takes Two: The Role of Co-Regulation in Building Self-Regulation Skillsالتناغم والتآزر - يد واحدة لا تص فِّق: دور التنظيم المشترك في بناء مهارات التنظيم الذاتي عند الطفل

عندما يعاني الأطفال من التنظيم الذاتي ، يصعب عليهم الجلوس والتركيز والمشاركة في أنشطة التعلم.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Linda Groves Gillespie
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A teacher showing a picture book to children.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

The Reading Chair: December 2020

New children’s books too good to miss!

Authored by

Authored by: 
Isabel Baker, Miriam Baker Schiffer
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