All Child Development Content

Young girl smiling
Young children in a classroom exercising
Teaching Young Children
October 1, 2019

9x: Easy Ways to Integrate Math in the Gym and Beyond!

With a few simple tools—dice, rulers, number lines, and spinners—children can infuse math into big body activities. Here are nine easy activities for integrating math in the gym and beyond!

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Authored by: 
Deanna Pecaski McLennan
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A mother interacting with her son.

Ideas to Spark Rich Conversations with Your Children!

As the parent of a young child, you know that children are curious and eager to learn. To help you make the most of those moments—and to inspire even more of them—we offer several easy strategies for sparking rich conversations.
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Cover of This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers
January 1, 2019

This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers

With its spot-on ideas and suggestions, delightful anecdotes, and engaging photos, you’ll gain a new appreciation for infants’ and toddlers’ competence and curiosity and how important your role is in the birth-to-3 adventure.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Julia Luckenbill, Aarti Subramaniam, Janet Thompson
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Three children with recycling bin
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2019

Mensaje en la mochila: Ayude a su hijo a aprender a ser responsable

Para ser responsables, los niños deben darse cuenta de que es necesario hacer, pensar en opciones útiles y sentirse orgullosos de sus contribuciones. Aquí, le mostramos cómo fomentar la responsabilidad.

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Authored by: 
Marie L. Masterson
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Typing on computer screen
Teaching Young Children
August 1, 2019

Ask Hello. Using the Term Friends

In a recent Hello discussion, a member sought input on friendship and addressing the whole class.
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Teacher and her students
Teaching Young Children
August 1, 2019

The Power of Because

One thing we can do to improve the likelihood that children will respond to our requests is give them a reason for doing so.

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Authored by: 
Adam Holland
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Girl smiling with toys
Teaching Young Children
August 1, 2019

Using Positive Words: Creating an Encouraging Classroom

This article offers activities and techniques centered on using positive words to make your classroom an encouraging place where children, families, and teachers feel the love.

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Authored by: 
Deb Jones
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Adult and child hands together
June 26, 2019

NAEYC's Statement on #FamiliesBelongTogether

On June 7, we joined 540 national and state organizations, including many NAEYC affiliates, in writing a letter to the Department of Homeland Security clearly stating our opposition to the zero-tolerance practice of separating children from their parents
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Teacher sitting with preschooler
Young Children
May 1, 2019

Helping Young Children Grieve and Understand Death

Teachers should also prepare themselves for basic questions (like whether or not a dead animal feels cold) and for supporting children and their families after a loved one dies.

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Authored by: 
David J. Schonfeld
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Teacher with students
Young Children
May 1, 2019

Five Tips for Engaging Multilingual Children in Conversation

In this article, I offer five strategies that take into account the unique aspects of learning an additional language and capitalize on the social and interactive nature of early childhood classrooms.

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Authored by: 
E. Brook Chapman de Sousa
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