While block play has been a part of children’s play since at least the 17th century, there has only recently been a growing effort to understand how block play can support early learning.
The farm to early care and education initiative includes a variety of strategies that encourage the use of local foods in meals and snacks, gardening opportunities, and food-based learning activities that promote children’s health and well-being.
Forest schools are based on the belief that children benefit from being in nature, where they play and engage in open-ended, child-centered social and physical activity.
Sesame Workshop and the International Rescue Committee have designed a program called "Ahlan Simsim" to reach millions of families who have been affected by conflict and displacement.
Authored by
Authored by:
Shanna Kohn, Kim Foulds, Katie Maeve Murphy, Charlotte F. Cole
In a recent Hello discussion, a member asked for advice on how to react when children use words that are hurtful or unsuitable for early learning spaces.
NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
. Nationwide, suspension and expulsion from early childhood education programs is prevalent and problematic, and it disproportionately impacts Black boys. Here are six things you can do to prevent preschool expulsion.
Vivian Paley’s contribution to the field of early childhood education and teacher education is certainly her approach to creating the space and opportunities for children to share their stories through storytelling and story acting, but it is much more.
Whenever I teach theories of child development, I always include Vivian Paley among the inductive theorists that early childhood teachers need to know.
Como padre o madre de un niño o niña que está aprendiendo dos o más idiomas, usted puede sustentar la habilidad y el interés de usar todos los idiomas que escuche su hijo al entusiasmarse y divertirse con el multilingüismo.
So what is a parent to do when they have a room full of playthings and a child who is not interested in picking any of it up? Here are five tips I’ve gathered from my career as an early childhood educator and my experience as a mom
For teachers, it is essential to see and understand your own culture in order to see and understand how the cultures of children and their families influence children’s behavior.
Recognizing the complexity of interactions between educators and families, this article provides a set of strategies for opening up conversations and offering support when children’s gender identity or expression do not conform to their families’ expectat