All Child Development Content

Young girl smiling
Infants and their parents sit in a circle clapping and singing together
Young Children
June 16, 2020

Talking, Reading, Singing, and Rhyming: Tips for Fostering Literacy in Infancy

Early indications suggest that Goslings improves families’ confidence in interacting with their infants and supports infants in getting the level of stimulation they need (which varies greatly from day to day).

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Authored by: 
Rebecca Dowling, Lisa Shanty, Susan Sonnenschein, Brenda Hussey-Gardner
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children listen attentively to teacher in class
Young Children
June 16, 2020

Words Matter: Moving from Trauma-Informed to Asset-Informed Care

While it is critical that educators are able to recognize and acknowledge children's and families' painful experiences, this work needs to expand beyond the focus on trauma-laden concepts to highlight and build on children's and families' assets.

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Authored by: 
Ellen Galinsky
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A teacher and student having an after class discussion
Young Children
June 16, 2020

Exclusionary Discipline Practices in Early Childhood

When hearing the words suspension and expulsion, most people do not think about children 5 and under. However, young children in state-funded preschool settings are expelled at three times the rate of K–12 students, as private school students.

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Authored by: 
Sarah C. Wymer, Amanda P. Williford, Ann S. Lhospital
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a group of toddlers and parents clapping together
Young Children
June 16, 2020

Supporting Anxious Children in the Preschool Classroom

For preschool-age children, evidence of anxiousness in the classroom includes general distress, clinginess, excessive worry, separation fears, somatic complaints, sleep difficulties, and repetitive and perfectionistic behaviors

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Authored by: 
Sierra L. Brown, Allison McCobin, Stephanie Easley, Kara E. McGoey
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mother and daughter embracing each other
May 27, 2020

Why Making Mistakes Now May Benefit Us Later

That was a good time to remind myself that making mistakes actually makes you smarter, especially if you try to fix the mistake. Brain science backs this up.

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Authored by: 
Jessica Mercer Young
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children and adult hands layered one on top of the other.
May 21, 2020

Conversations that Matter: Talking with Children About Big World Issues

Children rely on adults to help them figure out what things mean. Children’s curiosity, puzzlement, and anxiety provide rich opportunities for adults to respond to their attempts to understand what they observe happening in their world.

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Authored by: 
Julie Olsen Edwards, Louise Derman-Sparks
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young students listen to teacher tell a story
Young Children
June 16, 2020

Supporting Young Children after Crisis Events

Young children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of community disasters and other crises and traumatic events. This articles explains how educators and primary caregivers can help children cope with the stress of a community disaster.

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Authored by: 
David J. Schonfeld, Thomas Demaria, Sairam A. Kumar
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A teacher with kindergartners leading play time
Young Children
May 1, 2020

“How Can I Help You?”: Reconsidering Behavior Management

Given that many teachers feel they are not well prepared to manage behaviors in a classroom (Pavri 2004), we have intentionally pursued this topic in our professional endeavors as teacher educators, observing hundreds of preservice and in-service teachers

Authored by

Authored by: 
Adam L. Holland, Kathryn A. Ohle
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