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Young girl smiling
Early childhood educators gathering in the Kindergarten Creator Space
Young Children
November 1, 2018

Inquiry Is Play: Playful Participatory Research (Voices)

This online version includes an additional reflection from the authors showing how the defining elements of PPR transform participatory research into a vehicle for shared learning for teachers and children alike.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Megina Baker, Gabriela Salas Davila
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Adult and child hands together
October 26, 2018

Early Childhood Educators #ProtectFamilies

As an NAEYC member and an early childhood educator, we want to share with you some ways to stay informed and continue to advocate for immigrant families and children in your communities and beyond.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Rhian Evans Allvin
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educator with young child

Advancing the Profession: Research and Expertise

In July 2017, NAEYC released new market research that identifies opportunities to ensure that parents and early childhood educators are on the same side of defining and demanding high-quality early childhood education
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American Flag

NAEYC Federal Recommendations

Explore these resources on how policymakers can craft legislation and regulation that supports high-quality early childhood education and educators.
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