What is a Shadow? Denise Nelson and her class of preschoolers in Worcester, MA tried to answer that question over the course of a three-week exploration—both indoors and out
What is a Shadow? Denise Nelson and her class of preschoolers in Worcester, MA tried to answer that question over the course of a three-week exploration—both indoors and out
Teachers can foster diverse skills and abilities in early childhood classrooms. Read how Ms. Charlotte Brown affected the students and parents in her program
As an early childhood educator, I have thought of myself as an emergent teacher who follows my students’ lead and supports their explorations. The children's interest in building a command center challenged me to follow their lead.
The most powerful learning I have gleaned from my work with the project approach is that when children learn to inquire, they are learning how to learn. They are empowered to ask questions and seek answers.
On a summer day, three preschool teachers and an early education consultant met to draft a unit on decay. They used this planning session to design a curriculum specific to their own group of children and families on pumpkin decay.
Authored by
Authored by:
Bonnie Blagojevic, Victoria Grotton, Suzen Polk-Hoffses, Karen Thomes
On a summer day, three preschool teachers and an early education consultant met to draft a unit on decay. They used this planning session to design a curriculum specific to their own group of children and families on pumpkin decay.
Authored by
Authored by:
Bonnie Blagojevic, Victoria Grotton, Suzen Polk-Hoffses, Karen Thomes
Here’s how a gardening project helped a preschool class discover where fresh food comes from and how to grow them. This article includes observations and lessons learned during the project.