Like many teachers, I have developed ways to keep my preschoolers engaged and learning while schools are closed due to COVID-19. Also, what I offer is shaped by the feedback I receive from families about how they might (or might not) be able to participat
No one in the world has ever done what we are all doing right now. No one ever thought we would have to try being teachers to 4-year-olds without being in the same room together.
This is the first article in a series about asking questions that foster rich conversations. Visiting a variety of preschool settings, we’ll consider the different types of questions teachers ask and listen to children’s responses.
Is your goal to encourage children’s creativity through developmentally appropriate art experiences? Review the differences between process- and product-focused art to help you get started.
We applaud teachers who are thinking carefully about how to engage children while they are at home, how to maintain strong relationships and learning opportunities, and how to consider all of children’s learning and developmental needs.
To enrich your summer break, we've pulled recommendations from the Hello discussion strand in which members introduce themselves and share their favorite children's book.