Los niños pueden aprender mucho acerca de las formas geométricas durante muchas actividades diarias. Las familias pueden ayudar a sus hijos a identificar, crear, nombrar y distinguir formas durante sus rutinas, actividades y conversaciones habituales en c
Bath time is perfect for exploring math with your young child! Not only do you have each other’s full attention, but the learning can be hands on, playful, and messy.
You can expand your children’s learning environment by helping them identify, create, name, and take apart shapes during your regular routines, activities, and discussions at home.
From the moment they are born, babies begin to form ideas about math through everyday experiences and, most important, through interactions with trusted adults.
From the moment they are born, babies begin to form ideas about math through everyday experiences and, most important, through interactions with trusted adults.
Bring the spirit of learning centers into your home with prop boxes—plastic bins or cardboard shoe boxes you fill with materials and props related to one topic, such as math or writing.