Math is everywhere. That’s great news for parents, because we can talk with our kids about math in fun, natural ways. And that kind of math-talk is really important.
Early experiences in sorting and classifying help young children notice how things are alike and different. Here are some ways families can sort and classify at home.
These are many factors that contribute to poor academic and life outcomes, according to a newly published report by the Child Trends Hispanic Institute.
Este mensaje es para recortarse, fotocopiarse y enviarse a casa con los niños como recurso para los padres. Está disponible también por Internet en
When mathematical learning at school connects to familiar experiences and objects in children’s lives, the math can seem more interesting and make more sense to children!
هل كان الأطفال المشتركين في هذه الأنشطة يدركون أنهم يشاركون في دروس الحساب؟ المرجح هو أنهم لم يكونوا يعلمون. ولكنهم كانوا بالفعل يتعلمون الحساب من خلال ما أُطلِق عليه التعلم من خلال اللعب