In this article, we explain why engineering practices are an important part of early STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) learning and share examples of exploring engineering practices.
Thinking and acting like scientists not only supports deep understanding of important real-world phenomena, it also helps children develop a self-concept as a capable learner. Here are some ways to inspire children to think and act like scientists.
Thinking and acting like scientists not only supports deep understanding of important real-world phenomena, it also helps children develop a self-concept as a capable learner. Here are some ways to inspire children to think and act like scientists.
Read the following story and teacher reflections, and use the Reflective Questions at the bottom of this article to deepen your thinking and shape your teaching practices.
Read the following story and teacher reflections, and use the Reflective Questions at the bottom of this article to deepen your thinking and shape your teaching practices.
Here are five ideas that will help early childhood educators support science learning in the classroom and communicate with families about how to support children’s science learning at home.
Here are five ideas that will help early childhood educators support science learning in the classroom and communicate with families about how to support children’s science learning at home.
The four authors describe and reflect on a cross-cultural and international exchange of data about inquiry-based teaching and learning between preschool-age children’s science engagement in the West Bank and in San Francisco.
Authored by
Authored by:
Isauro M. Escamilla, Buad Khales, Daniel R. Meier, Martha Melgoza
The four authors describe and reflect on a cross-cultural and international exchange of data about inquiry-based teaching and learning between preschool-age children’s science engagement in the West Bank and in San Francisco.
Authored by
Authored by:
Isauro M. Escamilla, Buad Khales, Daniel R. Meier, Martha Melgoza