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Young girl smiling
father and daughter looking at computer tablet
October 21, 2020

5 Ways to Celebrate Media Literacy Week with 5-and-Unders

Just as we lay the foundations for print literacy starting at birth, early childhood educators have a vital role to play in laying the foundations for the more sophisticated media literacy skills we expect of adolescents and adults.

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Authored by: 
Faith Rogow
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A child playing with blocks made of different shapes.

DAP: Conclusion

While many of the recommendations have changed considerably over the years, the primary focus of DAP remains the same: NAEYC emphasizes the importance of the relationships between children and well-prepared early childhood educators.
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image of children doing activities
September 29, 2020

Using Technology to Enhance Children’s Learning at Home and at School: Building Relationships is Key

This blog post features four educators (pre-K, kindergarten, ESL, migrant education) in culturally diverse programs who focused their intentional teaching with guidance from the NAEYC & Fred Rogers Center Position Statement on Technology and Interactive M

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Authored by: 
Diane Bales, Kelly Dalsemer, Bonnie Blagojevic, Lynn Hartle, Noelle Chung, Katie Gardner, Kelsey MacLeod, Juana Rodriguez-Vazquez
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mother and two young girls doing yoga in the living room
Teaching Young Children
September 16, 2020

Message in a Backpack™ Helping Your Child through Change

We gathered insights from individuals with various perspectives and roles in early childhood. Here, you will read excerpts of what some of them would share with families about supporting children during this period of rapid change.
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Father and son saying goodbye outside of school
September 4, 2020

The Comfort of Familiar Routines

Young children find a goodbye ritual very comforting.  Families can make up a love ritual such as a secret handshake and a kiss. Reading books about separation such as The Kissing Hand can also provide comfort to children

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Authored by: 
Julia Luckenbill
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three children sitting and smiling
Young Children
September 1, 2020

NAEYC Governing Board and Leadership

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
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Individual standing outside voting building
Young Children
September 1, 2020

Haciendo conexiones: ¡Votemos!

En NAEYC, nuestra esperanza es que cada uno de ustedes vote y que utilice su influencia para alentar a otros a votar también.

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Authored by: 
Rhian Evans Allvin
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Individual standing outside voting building
Young Children
September 1, 2020

Making Connections: Vote.

At NAEYC, our hope is that each of you will vote and that you will use your influence to encourage others to vote too.

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Authored by: 
Rhian Evans Allvin
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Text that says "American for Early Ed NAEYC"
August 20, 2020

Make Sure the 2020 Census Counts All Kids

By completing the 2020 Census, and encouraging your colleagues, family, neighbors, and friends, on and offline, to do the same, you are helping to ensure communities get their fair share of over $800 billion per year in federal funding.
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Toddler with hand in mouth
January 4, 2017

“如果把颜料涂在手上会有什么害处吗?” 1-3岁学步儿在家参与感官活动的指南 "What's the harm if I paint my arm?": A Toddler's Guide to Sensory Activities in the Home

Just as infants and toddlers need experience crawling or scooting to learn to walk and babbling and crying to learn to talk, they need to practice using their hands to control art supplies and practice using their minds to figure out how art supplies work

Authored by

Authored by: 
Julia Luckenbill
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