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Young girl smiling
Cover of the October/November issue of TYC
Teaching Young Children
Vol. 13, No. 1
October 1, 2019

October/November 2019

Guiding Early Education Programs Toward Excellence
Dive in to the October/November 2019 issue of Teaching Young Children!
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Diverse group of students are working in a library.

Advancing Equity: Endnotes

The endnotes are available as a PDF for readers to print and use as they read the statement.
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Teacher in a classroom with a young boy in a wheeler reading a card

Conclusion and Acknowledgements

NAEYC appreciates the work of the Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Diversity and Equity Workgroup and the Early Learning Systems Committee, who participated in the development of this statement.  See a full list here.
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Group of young professionals

Recommendations for Public Policymakers

Work to change any policy that either directly or through unintended negative consequences undermines children’s physical and emotional well-being or weakens the bonds between children and their families.
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Two teachers and a group of young children standing and smiling in the classroom.

Recommendations for Everyone

The following general recommendations apply to everyone involved in any aspect of early childhood education.
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Teacher and young girl sitting at a desk in a classroom.

Advancing Equity: Position

When early childhood educators use inclusive teaching approaches, they demonstrate that they respect diversity and value all children’s strengths.
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Teacher in a classroom with a group of early primary students

Advancing Equity: Purpose

This position statement is one of five foundational documents NAEYC has developed in collaboration with the early childhood profession.
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text that says: I'm committed to #EquityinECE

Advancing Equity: Endorsing Organizations

We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with so many leading organizations in our collective work to ensure all children have access to equitable learning opportunities that help them achieve their full potential as engaged learners.
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