الفضول الفطري والتخيل الديناميكي لدى الأطفال يقودهم إلى فرص تعلم مثيرة ومفيدة. اكتشف كيفية تقديم تجارب اللعب الموجه إلى جانب اللعب التلقائي لدعم معرفة الأطفال في المجالات الرئيسية واكتساب متعة لا تنجلي لعملية التعلم. هذا الكتاب ممتاز وذو مزايا عضوية قياسي
New research finds no correlation between state regulations and child care supply. Rather than rolling back necessary regulations, increasing public investment in child care is the key to building quality child care supply and improving affordability.
In a recent Hello discussion, a member asked for advice on how to react when children use words that are hurtful or unsuitable for early learning spaces.
NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
. Nationwide, suspension and expulsion from early childhood education programs is prevalent and problematic, and it disproportionately impacts Black boys. Here are six things you can do to prevent preschool expulsion.
The e-book version of the publication, Where’s the Math? Books, Games, and Routines to Spark Children’s Thinking. *All sales are final. Returns will not be honored