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Young girl smiling
Young children sitting next to a bookshelf.

DAP: Statement of the Position

Each and every child, birth through age 8, has the right to equitable learning opportunities—in centers, family child care homes, or schools—that fully support their optimal development and learning across all domains and content areas.
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A young child playing with cards on a table.

DAP: Purpose

This position statement, one of five foundational documents developed by NAEYC in collaboration with the early childhood profession to advance high-quality early learning for all young children, defines DAP.
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A child playing with blocks made of different shapes.

DAP: Conclusion

While many of the recommendations have changed considerably over the years, the primary focus of DAP remains the same: NAEYC emphasizes the importance of the relationships between children and well-prepared early childhood educators.
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Woman at a computer staring at a screen

NAEYC Virtual Event Code of Conduct

All participants, including, but not limited to attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, sponsors, NAEYC staff, service providers and others are expected to comply with this Virtual Event Code of Conduct.
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a group of professionals discussing something in a panel

Schedule at a Glance

A quick view of what to expect during this year's Annual Conference.
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Children sitting on the ground
Young Children
September 1, 2020

Discovering the Brilliance and Beauty in Black (Voices)

Through inquiry, teachers and young children can create authentic, organic learning that informs their understanding of themselves, of others, and of the world they live in.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Patricia Sullivan
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three children sitting and smiling
Young Children
September 1, 2020

NAEYC Governing Board and Leadership

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
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