Whether you’re a seasoned teacher or this is your first year, these reminders will help you plan the many steps of family conferences—from preconference scheduling to follow-up.
NAEYC is releasing the first public draft of its position statement on “Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators”. We need your feedback by Friday, November 16, 2018
In helping preservice teachers develop metaphors, I have found that they can be instrumental in examining memories of childhood school days and personal family histories.
By examining the core considerations of DAP through the lens of adult learning theory, we (the article authors) created a framework for supporting early childhood professionals who are continuing their educations.
Authored by
Authored by:
Martha Muñoz, Linda Anderson Welsh, Tina L. Chaseley
Los educadores de la primera infancia pueden cumplir estas responsabilidades profesionales solamente recurriendo al conocimiento y la pericia que tienen las familias acerca de sus niños individuales.
The NAEYC Affiliate Advisory Council acts as an advisory body to support the continuing transformation of the NAEYC Affiliate structure into a high-performing, inclusive organization.
Read the following story and teacher reflections, and use the Reflective Questions at the bottom of this article to deepen your thinking and shape your teaching practices.
Read the following story and teacher reflections, and use the Reflective Questions at the bottom of this article to deepen your thinking and shape your teaching practices.
Marica Cox Mitchell offers five non-negotiables that are essential to early childhood education’s advancement as a profession, which stem from ongoing conversations with ECE workforce policy veterans and practicing educators.
Mi misión personal es una de empoderar a los educadores de la primera infancia y animar su participación en la abogacía, la formación de políticas y la investigación.
We are deeply grateful for the thoughtful responses we received on the first draft of Decision Cycles 3, 4, and 5 related to preparation, specializations, and career pathways for the profession.