In this article, we describe those strong organizational contexts and how they empower leaders, teachers, and families to aspire to and realize higher quality practice and better outcomes for young children.
Authored by
Authored by:
Debra M. Pacchiano, Maureen R. Wagner, Holly Lewandowski
El National Research Council (Consejo Nacional de Investigación) publicó en 2000 From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Para el campo de la educación infan
In 2000, From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development was released by the National Research Council. For the field of early childhood education, this report was a game changer.
Here are just a few of the many ways that NAEYC and the Affiliate network are working for you out in the world, while you work for the children and families in your communities.
Dos de las preguntas que casi siempre se hacen son: “¿Cómo ha ido desde maestra de preescolar a directora y de allí a cabildera?” y “¿Cómo empezó a participar en la política y la abogacía?”
Two of the questions that almost always come up are, “How did you go from being a preschool teacher to a director to a lobbyist?” and “How did you get involved in policy and advocacy?”
I challenge you to maximize your NAEYC membership and invest in practice-changing professional growth opportunities. Here are some ideas for getting started!
We are excited to share a summary of the event held in July 2018, “Leading and Working Toward Equity: Leadership Summit”, which includes attendee reflections and actions from after the event. Read the report and learn more about our Equity initiative!
As China and other nations around the world move to incorporate DAP into their early education approach, NAEYC has developed customizable trainings to address the needs of ECE professionals from diverse backgrounds.