هل كان الأطفال المشتركين في هذه الأنشطة يدركون أنهم يشاركون في دروس الحساب؟ المرجح هو أنهم لم يكونوا يعلمون. ولكنهم كانوا بالفعل يتعلمون الحساب من خلال ما أُطلِق عليه التعلم من خلال اللعب
In her article, Ardalan explains how, by using documentation to listen closely to children, she facilitates a long-term project that expands their literacy skills and their ability to discuss, debate, and think critically.
The great outdoors is filled with rich opportunities for math learning—with a connection to science—that can interest and engage children in real-life problem solving.
The great outdoors is filled with rich opportunities for math learning—with a connection to science—that can interest and engage children in real-life problem solving.
The STEM experiences teachers provide for young children can involve a variety of learning materials, including children’s literature, consumables and manipulatives, and web-based resources.
The STEM experiences teachers provide for young children can involve a variety of learning materials, including children’s literature, consumables and manipulatives, and web-based resources.
To honor their interests, support their learning, and connect with their culture, a preschool teacher decided to incorporate aspects of hip-hop culture into the curriculum.