The STEM experiences teachers provide for young children can involve a variety of learning materials, including children’s literature, consumables and manipulatives, and web-based resources.
On a summer day, three preschool teachers and an early education consultant met to draft a unit on decay. They used this planning session to design a curriculum specific to their own group of children and families on pumpkin decay.
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Authored by:
Bonnie Blagojevic, Victoria Grotton, Suzen Polk-Hoffses, Karen Thomes
Paige Zittrauer challenged her kindergarten students and their high school art student project partners: Make a contraption that moves on its own across a piece of paper and leaves a mark in its path
It’s not always easy to answer children’s questions, but encouraging their curiosity is an important part of helping them grow. Here are some ways that you can encourage your child’s curiosity at home.
Veamos algunas formas en que pueden ayudar a sus hijos preescolares a centrar su atención en las características que hacen que las formas sean parecidas o diferentes.
Here's how creative play, focused on outer space, became the center of an entire preschool curriculum for several weeks—providing opportunities that connected science, math, literacy, language, art, and drama.