The research is clear: when we say children are “born scientists,” we’re not just being cute; they really are active scientists, right now, systematically and intentionally exploring their environments, even from the day they are born.
26 prekindergartners at Boulder Journey School had a problem. Over the course of the school year, they researched, designed, modeled, and redesigned solutions, which resulted in building a tree house
Authored by
Authored by:
Lauren Weatherly, Vicki Oleson, Lisa Ramond Kistner
Help your child develop the skills needed to think like a scientist, which will allow him or her to understand increasingly complex science concepts. Here are some ways to do that.
From the moment they are born, babies begin to form ideas about math through everyday experiences and, most important, through interactions with trusted adults.
Los niños practican y refuerzan su aprendizaje en diversas áreas durante el juego. Jugar les proporciona el lugar y el tiempo para aprender, lo cual no se puede lograr rellenando una hoja de trabajo.
One way to ensure that children get the most out of STEM opportunities is to make each activity as engaging as possible. Our research has looked for ways to help increase children’s motivation for STEM tasks
What is a Shadow? Denise Nelson and her class of preschoolers in Worcester, MA tried to answer that question over the course of a three-week exploration—both indoors and out
Este mensaje es para recortarse, fotocopiarse y enviarse a casa con los niños como recurso para los padres. Está disponible también por Internet en
Este mensaje es para recortarse, fotocopiarse y enviarse a casa con los niños como recurso para los padres. Está disponible también por Internet en
The great outdoors is filled with rich opportunities for math learning—with a connection to science—that can interest and engage children in real-life problem solving.