مع توفر مجموعة واسعة من الخيارات المتزايدة في التعقيد فيما يخص تعليم الطفولة المبكرة نجد أن المعلمات والإداريات يقمن بصورة دائمة بعملية تقييم للنماذج والنُهج والمواد التي تدعم تعلم الأطفال وأكثرها نجاعة في ذلك
NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
فيتعلم الأطفال الصغار من بيئتهم والأشخاص الذين فيها. لذلك فإن ه من الضروري أن تتأكد المعلمات أن المعارف والمهارات التي يدرسونها مناسبة نمائيًا لعمر الأطفال ومجموعاتهم.
This blog post features four educators (pre-K, kindergarten, ESL, migrant education) in culturally diverse programs who focused their intentional teaching with guidance from the NAEYC & Fred Rogers Center Position Statement on Technology and Interactive M
This is the first article in a series about asking questions that foster rich conversations. Visiting a variety of preschool settings, we’ll consider the different types of questions teachers ask and listen to children’s responses.
From the moment they are born, babies begin to form ideas about math through everyday experiences and, most important, through interactions with trusted adults.
While participating in the diaper-changing routine, Lilly is learning language and self-help skills, and developing autonomy, self-regulation, and other capabilities.
The most powerful learning I have gleaned from my work with the project approach is that when children learn to inquire, they are learning how to learn. They are empowered to ask questions and seek answers.
Is your goal to encourage children’s creativity through developmentally appropriate art experiences? Review the differences between process- and product-focused art to help you get started.
Using books as inspiration for nurturing children’s early math language and understanding of math concepts is a natural fit for early education settings.
Ensuring that outdoor play is an integral part of your child care and education setting’s daily schedule supports early learning across all domains and unleashes a whole lot of joy—for you and for children!